Art Space Pool, Seoul, South Korea

Art Space Pool, Seoul, South Korea

Sandra Eula Lee: Two waters
June 24-July 24, 2011
Art Space Pool, Seoul, South Korea

Essays by Art Critic Lee Young-Wook and Curator Kim Jinjoo
Softcover, English/Korean, 24 pages
Download here

For me, Lee’s gardening project, is about the practical research for finding a new possibility of gardening through her encounters with the changed and wounded landscape...

...Her gardening links to the traditional gardening ways in the life of Mincho, grass roots people here. Despite inhospitable circumstances, or because of their toughness, they make a greater effort to make their gardens. Lee’s gardens, composed with piles of stones and wild grasses, indicate the spontaneous healing process despite poor surroundings in our daily lives. The materials she adopts for her gardening aren’t conventionally beautiful or ideal for gardening. They are rather fragments left over from our everyday lives and from our construction sites. As brick fragments worn away and re!ned by water, the poor materials from these environments that encounter such nature may be a prayer for healing for our lives.